Hermes - 41 =========== 1. Upgraded to AW 5.0 SDK. Fully supports Unicode characters in usernames and chat text. 2. Eliminated the old "Configuration" dialog; added a series of new "Setup" dialogs. 3. Privacy levels now use words ("none", "low", "high") in place of numbers (0, 1, 2). 4. Old pre-37 syntax for "h:ban" will no longer be recognized. (See #22.) 5. Revised join message (for "h:begin"). Privacy level will not be shown if the feature is unavailable. 6. Added a color database; "h:color" will now accept names found in this database, and no longer accept HTML color codes. 7. Due to the new color database, the HTML color restrictions have now been eliminated. (previously introduced in version 35) 8. Fixed bug where the "going offline" message would not always be sent. 9. "h:mute /CO" has been eliminated. 10. Users banned by a successful petition will no longer show the full ban comment, which includes IP addresses of the initiators. 11. Bans created through the "new ban" command (see #22) now use the default expiration time. 12. "h:unmute" now only accepts entry numbers. 13. "h:unmute #0" will no longer clear the mute list. To do this, you now should use "h:unmute all". 14. Eliminated "@index" for avatar name shortcuts. 15. Added "~*" avatar name shortcut, which catches all users within your chat range. 16. Added "h:timestamp" option, to enable chat timestamps. Only VRT timestamps are supported. 17. Eliminated option to disable "h:help" message. 18. Introduced "linking", which can bridge together extended-chat networks from multiple worlds. 19. Eliminated the feature which delayed announcing users who left the world. 20. "h:uid" now shows information in a table format. 21. Timestamps used for the chat logging function are now in VRT. 22. Completely rewritten command processor. 23. Ban timestamps are now in VRT. 24. Removed "About" dialog. 25. Added hyperlink to Hermes page on the main window. 26. Expanded the main window to include a current user's list. 27. Login errors will now be properly shown.