Telegram Data Conversion

Current version: 16.100

This very simple utility converts your telegram database (files telegram5.dat and telegram5.idx) into a plain text file, suitable for use in programs such as Microsoft Excel.

To use the converter (once you've downloaded and extracted the ZIP file):

  1. Copy the tgram5conv.exe file to your ActiveWorlds directory (where aworld.exe is located).
  2. Simply run tgram5conv.exe where you just copied it, by either double-clicking it in Windows Explorer or using the command line.

The converter creates a file called telegram.csv, which is a CSV formatted plain text file. This file can be opened in any text editor, including Microsoft Excel.

Older versions of Active Worlds (files telegram.dat and telegram.idx) are supported; however, you must use the command line TGRAM5CONV.EXE /old to convert these older files.