Linux AdminTool
Build 4 (Dec 17 2006)
What's New in Build 4?
+ Fixed elevload (thanks Andras)
+ EOF key sequence now recognized as <ESC>
(Windows: <CTRL>+<Z>)
(UNIX: <CTRL>+<D>)
+ Revised display of SDK error codes
+ Implemented disconnect handling
+ Prompts are now automatically dismissed after 10 seconds
+ Input now times out after 120 seconds
+ "ADD WORLD" procedure now asks if the world to be added should be disabled
+ In multi-select menu screens, re-entering an item that was already selected will now 'unselect' an item. (Example: If item #4 was entered, re-entering '4' will de-select that item.)
+ In multi-select menu screens, it is now possible to enter multiple menu items. (For example, entering "1,3,5" will now select items #1, #3, and #5)
+ Added "SEED OBJECT" ('S') function
+ New world rights editor ('G')
+ Backspace key will now delete single characters (except for password input screens)
+ Added "DELETE CELL" function
AdminTool basics
Upon starting the program, a blank screen will appear with a blue line at the bottom; this blue line is the prompt area and is the primary interface of the admin tool.
Notices which appear in the prompt area can be dismissed by pressing the <ENTER> or <ESC> keys; in confirmation prompts such as the one below, <ENTER> represents 'OK' and <ESC> represents 'Cancel'.
Pressing <ESC> here will result in not deleting the world ('Cancel').
Press <ENTER> to continue listing menu items, or press <q> to stop.
In this prompt, simply repeat the key you typed to confirm your action. Press <ESC> to cancel.
Using the items displayed above the prompt area, enter the number of the item you wish to select. Press <ESC> to cancel.
In menu screens such as this, use the appropriate key sequences to perform actions. Press <TAB> twice to see a list of sequences.
World Status Indicators
The STATUS column indicates a world's current status:
X | Stopped |
S | Starting |
R | Running |
A + or - next to the status indicates if the world is enabled (+) or disabled (-).
World Selector
Introduced in Build 4
In the main screen while connected to a world, type the ID of a world and press <Enter>. This world will automatically be selected any time that a world must be selected. Multiple world IDs can be entered.
Note that IDs do not always correspond to the numbers seen in the world menu selection. World IDs can be found using <w>.
For example, typing 2 and pressing <Enter> will auto-select the world whose ID is 2. Entering 2,5 will auto-select worlds 2 and 5.
Enter 0 to clear the selector.
It is not possible to select world instances in this manner. The default instance (0) will always be selected.
Callback timeouts
When performing a command, the admin tool performs the request asychronously and locks the command interface until the server replies. In order to prevent a complete freeze, the connection will be terminated if the server does not reply in 60 seconds.
An example prompt:
The number following the letter 'P' indicates which command the program was performing. Below is a list of commands that require a server response.
001 | Establishing connection to server |
002 | Adding world |
003 | Changing world |
004 | Deleting world |
005 | Downloading world list |
006 | Starting world |
007 | Stopping world |
008 | Loading propdump |
009 | Loading elevdump |
010 | Loading atdump |
011 | Reloading registry |
012 | Deleting all objects |
013 | Deleting all terrain nodes |
014 | Resetting world attributes |
015 | Adding world instance |
Beginning with build 2, these procedures can also be aborted by pressing <q> followed by <ENTER>.
Connecting to a server
To connect to a server, press <c>. A screen will appear listing any servers you have already set up.
To set up a new profile for a server, enter 1 to select <NEW SERVER> from the connect screen; you will then be prompted to enter the profile name. If the profile name you specified already exists, you will be prompted to overwrite the existing profile. Additional prompts will ask for the server host, port, and password. Entering a password is optional; if not saved in the profile, you will be prompted to enter the password when connecting to the server.
To connect to a local world server (, port 7777), enter 2 for <DEFAULT>.
Press <i> to import server hostnames and ports from an existing ADMIN.INI (used by the official AWI admin tool).
Quick command reference
c | Connect to a server. |
d/q | Disconnect from the server. |
a | Add a world. |
i | Connected to server: Add world instance Not connected to server: Import servers from AWI AdminTool |
x | Delete a world. |
e | Connected to server: Edit the properties of a world. |
w | Display information about a world. |
t | Start world. |
z | Stop world. |
m | Broadcast messages to one or more worlds. Using <M> (capital) will continuously repeat the command, allowing multiple messages to be sent to the same specified worlds. |
f | Enter the file manager (propdump, atdump, elevdump). |
r | Reset world. |
g | Enter world rights editor. |