
This page describes configuring the Windows version of Hermes and applies only to Build 41.
(Click here for build 40)

For Linux users, see this page.



Citizen Number
The citizenship used to operate Hermes.
Privilege Password
The privilege password used for the above citizenship. This is NOT the account password!
Name of the world where you want to operate Hermes.


The hostname of the universe. Leave blank for the default AW universe.
The port of the universe. Set to 0 for the default AW universe.



Bot administrators ("admins") have privileges similar to Caretakers for certain commands.



Controls whether Hermes will have a visible avatar in-world.
The coordinates for the avatar to appear.
The number of the avatar to be shown.
The avatar's state.



Name Description Default State
Enable auto-join for tourists Controls if tourists are allowed to auto-join the network upon re-entering the world.
Enable auto-join for bots Controls if bots are allowed to auto-join the network upon re-entering the world.
Chat sessions always enabled If enabled, users will automatically join the network upon entering the world.
Disable ban petitions Completely disable ban petitions by users.
Enable linking with other Hermes bots See Linking for more details.
Allow non-admin removal of petition bans Allows users with eject rights that are not bot admins to remove bans that were set by a user-initiated petition, assuming petitions are enabled.
Disable "Message sent to X users" Turns off the message sent after using h:: in Passive Mode.
Start automatically Automatically start Hermes after loading the program.
Ignore Ground Zero Ignore chat in the immediate 200m area of the world's entry point (where "Ground Zero" is 0N 0W, or as specified in the world's Entry Point attribute.)
Auto-kick idle bots If enabled, bots that join the network but do not speak within 30 seconds will be kicked off.
Auto-kick for offensive words If enabled, users who use words in the censor will be kicked and temporarily banned for 60 seconds (or as specified in Offensive word ban time)
Require confirmation of network guidelines When enabled with the option above, users will be required to acknowledge that they are aware of the extended chat guidelines (as specified in the URL in the Guidelines field)
Announce users joining in passive mode If enabled, users joining or leaving the network in passive mode will be announced.
Eject for offensive words in GZ If enabled, offensive words inside the immediate 200m of the world's entry point will result in an automatic 5-minute ejection.
Ban offensive names from network If enabled, usernames that contain offensive words will not be allowed to join the network.
Eject offensive names inside GZ If enabled, usernames that contain offensive words will be ejected from ground zero (immediate 200m area around world's entry point).
Auto-minimize on startup Automatically minimizes program to the tray area when started.
Restrict notification of kicked users If enabled, users kicked from the network are not announced as kicked.
Enable chat logging If enabled, Hermes will log all chat that occurs in the world.
Eject bots inside Ground Zero If enabled, Hermes will eject any bot whose owner does not have Eject (build 36) rights.
Force all bots to be in passive mode If enabled, all bots will not be able to exit passive mode.
Limit creation of special conferences If enabled, special conferences can only be created by Bot administrators and users with Eject rights.
Disable user privacy Enabled by default; when unchecked, privacy levels become available.



These settings control the colors in which the specified messages appear. The colors are from the color list, introduced in Build 41.